Morne Trois Pitons National Park

morne trois pitons national park

Nestled in the heart of the stunning island of Dominica, Morne Trois Pitons National Park is a true Caribbean paradise. Recognised by UNESCO as a World Heritage Site in 1997, the park boasts lush rainforests, breathtaking volcanic features, and a rich biodiversity that attracts visitors from all over the globe. In this article, we’ll explore the highlights of Morne Trois Pitons National Park, from the awe-inspiring Boiling Lake to the enchanting Emerald Pool, and provide you with all the information you need to plan your visit to this exceptional natural treasure.


13 km


25 min


Max 1,342 m


Ranges from moderate to challenging.

Nearby Accommodation

A Brief Overview of Morne Trois Pitons National Park

Morne Trois Pitons National Park covers an area of 6,857 hectares, making up roughly 9 percent of Dominica”s land area. The park is home to five live volcanic centers, with Morne Trois Pitons, a spectacular dome complex, being the highest peak at 1,342 meters above sea level. The landscape is dominated by extreme relief, adorned with various types of tropical forest that provide a habitat for a wide diversity of flora and fauna, including several endemic species.

The park is also an essential resource for local water companies and the generation of hydroelectric power, as it encompasses nearly all the headwaters of the streams and rivers in the southern half of the island. With its outstanding combination of natural features, Morne Trois Pitons National Park has been recognised for its World Heritage value under natural criteria viii (geological formations) and x (biodiversity).

Volcanoes, Lakes, and Waterfalls

The dramatic landscape of Morne Trois Pitons National Park offers an incredible array of natural wonders. The park is centred around the 1,342-meter-high Morne Trois Pitons volcano, which provides a stunning backdrop to the lush forests and pristine lakes. The park”s relief is characterised by steep volcanoes, deep canyons, and glacis slopes formed in pyroclastic flow deposits.

Some of the park’s most impressive features include the Valley of Desolation, a large amphitheater-like area surrounded by mountains that displays a magnificent spectrum of volcanic activity in the form of fumaroles, hot springs, and bubbling mud ponds. The Boiling Lake, one of the largest hot springs in the world, is another must-see attraction, with its water temperature reaching around 95°C and constantly bubbling and churning.

Morne Trois Pitons National Park is also home to several breathtaking waterfalls, such as the Middleham Falls, which feeds the enchanting Emerald Pool. In addition, the park boasts three freshwater lakes: Freshwater Lake, Boeri Lake, and the smaller Morne Macaque Lake. These lakes, nestled among the park”s volcanic peaks, offer beautiful and serene spots for visitors to enjoy.

Cultural Heritage and Local Population

Dominica”s rich cultural heritage is also closely tied to Morne Trois Pitons National Park. The island was once the last refuge of the fiercely independent Island Caribs, who were granted a reserve in the northeast by the British administrator in 1903. The preservation of the park”s interior forests may be partly due to their fierce reputation for resisting settlements.

Today, the park is located in the roadless interior of the island, and there are only a few smallholder farmers using land near its southern boundary. The park”s importance as a source of fresh water and hydroelectric power for the island is recognised by the government, which has reserved certain water and power rights within the park.

Visitor Facilities and Amenities

Morne Trois Pitons National Park offers a range of visitor facilities and amenities to ensure a comfortable and enjoyable visit. The park can be accessed by two entry points: the Laudat village on the road from Roseau and the Emerald Pool site on the cross-island road between Roseau and Castle Bruce.

For those wishing to learn more about the park and its natural wonders, the park’s education program is facilitated through the Environmental Education Unit of the Forestry and Wildlife Division. In addition, brochures, booklets, and leaflets about the park are available to visitors.

Tips for Visitors

Venturing into Morne Trois Pitons National Park is an adventure that benefits greatly from local wisdom. Here are some invaluable tips shared by those who know the park best:

  1. Best Time to Visit: Early mornings are magical in the park. Not only do you beat the crowds, but you also get to experience the forest coming to life.
  2. Wildlife Watching: For bird enthusiasts, local guides recommend the quieter trails where you’re more likely to spot rare species like the Sisserou Parrot, Dominica’s national bird.
  3. Water Essentials: Always carry more water than you think you’ll need. The hikes can be strenuous, and hydration is key.
  4. Clothing: Dress in layers. The weather can change rapidly from hot and humid to cool and misty, especially at higher elevations.
  5. Respect Nature: Stick to the trails and avoid touching or disturbing the wildlife. The park is a protected area for a reason.


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