Morne Diablotin National Park

Morne Diablotins, Dominica

Morne Diablotin National Park, located in the northwestern region of the beautiful island country of Dominica, is a must-visit destination for nature enthusiasts and birdwatchers. Covering an area of 12.88 square miles (33.36 sq km), the park is Dominica’s second-largest and is home to Morne Diablotin, the island’s tallest peak. This captivating park offers visitors breathtaking panoramic views, abundant wildlife, and challenging hiking trails that are sure to make any trip memorable.


43 km


1 hr 05 min


Max 1,447 m


The summit hike is challenging, suited for experienced hikers.

Nearby Accommodation

Morne Diablotin National Park Overview

Morne Diablotin, at 4,747 feet, is Dominica’s highest peak and second in the Lesser Antilles. Dormant for over 30,000 years, its summit offers views of Dominica and Martinique. The Toulaman River originates here, flowing to the northeast.

The park features rainforests, montane forests, and elfin woodlands. It supports diverse ecosystems and provides crucial water sources for northern Dominica.

The park, a birding haven, is home to the endangered sisserou parrot, the Jaco red-necked parrot, and the blue-headed hummingbird. The sisserou, Dominica’s national bird, is critically endangered with only about 50 remaining.

The park, established in 2000, protects wildlife and vegetation. Partnerships, like with the Rare Species Conservatory Foundation, support conservation efforts.

The Syndicate Nature Trail, created in 1993, offers an authentic rainforest experience. The park is a prime birdwatching spot, with mornings and afternoons being the best times.

The visitor center, opened in 2006, provides educational resources, but its availability is limited, catering mainly to cruise ship tours. Nevertheless, the park’s natural beauty and wildlife are accessible to all visitors.

Key attractions include hiking to the summit and birdwatching. The Syndicate Nature Trail, an easy 0.8-mile hike, is popular for spotting endemic birds.

Tips for Visitors

  1. Early Morning Visits: For the best birdwatching and cooler hiking conditions, locals recommend starting your adventure early in the morning.
  2. Hire a Local Guide: Enhance your experience with the knowledge and expertise of a local guide. They offer invaluable insights into the park’s ecosystem and help you navigate the trails safely.
  3. Appropriate Attire: Wear comfortable, layered clothing suitable for varying temperatures. Sturdy, waterproof hiking boots are essential for the rugged terrain.
  4. Pack Smart: Bring water, snacks, a lightweight raincoat, insect repellent, sunscreen, and a hat. Don’t forget your camera for capturing the stunning scenery.
  5. Stay on Trails: Protect the park’s delicate ecosystem by sticking to marked trails. This ensures your safety and preserves the natural habitat.
  6. Respect Wildlife: Observe animals from a distance and avoid making loud noises. Remember, you’re in their natural habitat.


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