Fort Shirley

Fort Shirley - Cabrits National Park in Dominica

Exploring the Historical Marvels

Fort Shirley, located in Dominica’s Cabrits National Park, is a unique and intriguing historical site that offers visitors a glimpse into the island’s European past. As Dominica’s most important historical site, Fort Shirley has a rich and fascinating history to discover.


48.8 km return


1 hr 05 min





Nearby Accommodation


Fort Shirley, a historical fort constructed in 1765 within a volcanic crater in Dominica, was a key defence in the Lesser Antilles during the 18th and 19th centuries. Its main purpose was to defend against invasions, especially from the French. The fort, built primarily by the British with significant contributions from the French, housed up to 600 soldiers and featured a main fort, gun batteries, cisterns, magazines, storehouses, bakeries, a forge, barracks, and officer quarters. It was abandoned in 1854 but underwent restoration starting in 1982 under Dr. Lennox Honychurch.

Fort Shirley is also notable for the 1802 rebellion of slave soldiers from the 8th West India Regiment, which contributed to the emancipation of slave soldiers in the British Empire by 1807. The fort’s Georgian architecture, designed by Fraser and Bruce, capitalised on the natural defence provided by the volcanic crater. It was part of a defence network including forts in several Caribbean islands.

Since 1982, parts of Fort Shirley have been restored for various uses, including events and tourism. It’s within Cabrits National Park, established in 1986 to protect diverse ecosystems. The park, with activities like hiking and snorkelling, and Fort Shirley, with its historical significance and events like the Jazz n’Creole Festival, offer a rich experience for visitors.

Tips for Visitors

  1. Best Time to Visit: Plan your visit to Fort Shirley early in the morning or later in the afternoon to avoid the midday heat and to enjoy the site in a quieter setting.
  2. Dress Appropriately: Comfortable walking shoes are a must. The terrain can be uneven, and there’s a fair bit of walking involved. Lightweight, breathable clothing is recommended, and don’t forget a hat or cap for sun protection.
  3. Hydration is Key: Always carry a bottle of water with you. Staying hydrated is important, especially on sunny days.
  4. Capture the Moments: Bring a camera or smartphone. The views from Fort Shirley are spectacular, and you’ll want to capture these memories.
  5. Stay on Designated Paths: For your safety and the preservation of the site, stick to the marked trails and paths.
  6. Support Local Vendors: Around the site, you’ll find local vendors selling crafts, snacks, and souvenirs. Purchasing from them is a great way to support the local community.
  7. Guided Tours: Consider taking a guided tour for a more comprehensive understanding of the fort’s history and significance. The guides are often locals who provide insightful and personal stories that enrich the experience.
  8. Check for Events: Occasionally, Fort Shirley hosts special events or reenactments. Checking the schedule in advance can make your visit even more special.
  9. Respect the Environment: Keep the area clean by disposing of trash properly and respecting the natural and historical elements of the site.
  10. Ask Questions: Don’t hesitate to engage with the guides and locals. They are usually more than happy to share their knowledge and stories, enhancing your experience.


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