The Indian River

Row boat on the Indian River

Imagine a river that not only flows through the heart of Dominica but also through time itself, carrying stories and secrets from centuries past. The Indian River, a hidden gem in the Caribbean, is such a place – an enchanting waterway that captivates the soul of every traveller who ventures upon its serene waters.


46 km


57 min





Nearby Accommodation


The Indian River in Dominica is a stunning natural wonder, renowned for its picturesque beauty among the island’s 365 rivers. This coastal wetland is highlighted by the magnificent Bwa Mang trees, and travelers can discover its beauty and diverse wildlife through guided boat tours, conducted by skilled boatmen in hand-oared riverboats.

Offering a unique eco-adventure, these boat tours provide a serene journey through the swampy riverbanks, showcasing the area’s abundant plant and animal life. It’s a haven for nature enthusiasts, featuring vibrant flora and a variety of bird species.

The river also holds a connection to Hollywood, having been a filming location for the “Pirates of the Caribbean” movies. Visitors can relive scenes from the films and immerse themselves in a pirate-like atmosphere.

Adding to the experience is the famous Bush Bar, offering a taste of local culture with signature rum drinks, smoked fish, and other local delicacies. The river is conveniently located near Portsmouth, which offers various accommodations, dining, and entertainment options. Beyond the river, Portsmouth has numerous activities and attractions, making it a vibrant destination for travellers.

Tips for Visitors

  1. Best Time to Visit: Early morning or late afternoon are ideal times for a boat tour on the Indian River. These times usually offer cooler temperatures and less crowded tours, providing a more intimate experience with nature.
  2. Choose the Right Guide: Opt for experienced and knowledgeable local guides. They can provide insightful information about the flora and fauna, as well as share fascinating stories and legends about the river and its surroundings.
  3. Wear Appropriate Clothing: Dress comfortably and wear suitable footwear for a boat ride. Lightweight, breathable clothing is recommended, and don’t forget a hat and sunglasses for sun protection.
  4. Bug Repellent is a Must: The riverbanks can be a haven for mosquitoes and other insects, especially in the early morning and evening. Bring along insect repellent to ensure a more comfortable experience.
  5. Bring a Camera: The Indian River is incredibly picturesque, so make sure to bring a camera or smartphone to capture its beauty. Be prepared for the possibility of water splashes, so waterproof protection for your device is advisable.
  6. Stay Hydrated: The tropical climate can be dehydrating, especially during boat tours under the sun. Carry a bottle of water with you to stay hydrated throughout your adventure.
  7. Respect the Environment: The Indian River is a pristine natural habitat. Ensure that you leave no trash behind and avoid disturbing the wildlife.
  8. Visit the Bush Bar: Don’t miss the chance to visit the famous Bush Bar for a taste of local cuisine and culture. It’s a great way to experience Dominican hospitality and enjoy refreshing local drinks.
  9. Explore Portsmouth: Take time to explore the town of Portsmouth before or after your river tour. The town has much to offer in terms of dining, shopping, and historical sites.
  10. Plan for the Weather: The weather can be unpredictable, so be prepared for sudden rain showers by bringing a light raincoat or umbrella.
  11. Consider Voluntourism Opportunities: If you have extra time, look into voluntourism opportunities. Contributing to the local community can be a rewarding experience and a great way to give back during your visit.


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